Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Segue into Acne Care

I'm going to take a little detour today and talk about something not having to do with how to improve singing:  home acne treatment.  This is for two reasons:  1)  I've been reading up on it and have something to say, and 2) I just had a major outbreak, and it tanked my confidence getting on stage.  If this has nothing to do with you, feel free to disregard.

Anyway, while I was figuring out what to do, I came across a ton of misinformation...that I want to put a stop to.  First off, there are way too many "miracle treatments" out my experience there is no silver bullet, which is as true for acne as for singing.  Anytime you find something that claims instant success, be suspicious.  Very suspicious.

Secondly, out of the treatments that are effective, consistency is key.  You don't become a star performer by singing for 8 hours once a month, rather, you get good by practicing day after day for years.  Acne treatment is pick a few effective acne treatment products, and make them work.

Lastly, you need to be ready to experiment.  Some people have terrible reactions to acne drug #1, but do great with acne drug #2.  Others need to mix-and-match.  This is no unlike person's best set of exercises may be useless to you, and vice versa.  You need to be ready to experiment and learn from your mistakes.

What cleaned up my infection was using benzyl peroxide every morning and salicylic acid every night...which seems a basic, workable regime.  Try it out if you're suffering, and in the meantime, keep doing your singing exercises!

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