Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can Anyone Learn to Sing?

Here's a simple question that I've seen over and over again:  "I'm tone-deaf/can't sing at all/sound like a dying cat, can I learn to be better or am I stuck?"  I'm not here to give you rah-rah-rah you too can learn how to improve singing, but I do believe that most people can manage to be much better than they are.

Think of it this way:  you can send any kid to basketball camp, and he's not going to magically become the next Michael Jordan.  But he will be a better player than he going forth, and that's what you can do with singing.

If you're one of those people truly struggling with it, then start small.  Just worry about getting on pitch, and forget about the power of your voice, and/or its "quality" until you've got the basics down.

I also recommend considering the variety of options out there...best-case is working with a coach, but you can accomplish plenty with a good audio or book-based course.  Shop around, and find the best options for you and your situation...which is almost certainly not as bad as you think it is!

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