Thursday, October 14, 2010

Enough Talk, Start Singing!

Here's something light-hearted today...a wry post about scene kids who love their music too much but won't pick up a mic and sing themselves.  And as we all know, learning how to improve singing starts with just that!

The main point the blog author made is that many fans of indie/underground/unknown bands will jump from undiscovered band to undiscovered band, never settling into liking any particular ones.  Meanwhile, they'll also never put the pedal to the metal and make their own music.

Now, in of itself it isn't a terrible thing--many people aren't cut out to be professionals at this--but I do find it interesting the common excuses people use:  there's no time, they don't have a teacher, they don't have an education, they don't actually want to make music, etc.

I believe that many people have this idea that in order to be at all good at music, you need to practice four hours a day for a decade.  If you want mastery, then perhaps...but for most people, they can get good enough for their entertainment--and others--just by putting in a handful of hours each week.  If this describes you, don't be shy in trying...if nothing else you will gain fresh appreciation for the world around you.

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